Our Services by Grades
Our online math assessment process is stress-free. It will never discourage the student.

Grade 1-3
At Allstudybuddy our focus for early elementary classes is to boost their academic abilities and give them a head start in their academic journey. Our math tutoring online program is designed to cater the needs of young minds. We introduce one math concept in several different ways, which allow the children to understand the math concept. It develops their thinking abilities. It may seem very easy to teach grade1, grade 2, and grade3. On the contrary, these are most crucial years for academic’s interest development. These little champs need perfect direction to be given in these initial years only. Every child is different.
We choose the plan of study according to their mind. It is important to consider, how finely kids outline the required knowledge and skills in detail and provide information and demonstrate their learning, how deeply they will explore concepts and at what level of complexity they will perform procedures, and the mathematical processes they will learn and apply throughout the grade.

Number Sense and Numeration


Geometry and Spatial Sense

Patterning and Algebra

Data Management and Probability
Number Sense and Numeration
Representing and ordering whole numbers to 50’s,100’s,and 1000’s; representing money amounts to 20¢ to $10, decomposing and composing two-digit and three digit numbers establishing a one-to-one correspondence when counting the elements in a set; counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s, 25’s,and 100’s adding and subtracting up till three digit numbers,; investigating fractions of a adding and subtracting single digit to three-digit numbers in a variety of ways; relating one-digit multiplication, and division by one-digit divisors, and more.

Measuring using non-standard and standard units such as centimeters and meters and kilometers as telling time to the nearest half-hour, quarter-hour and to the nearest 5 minutes developing a sense of area; comparing mass and capacity of objects using measurable attributes; measuring length using; telling time to the nearest; measuring perimeter, area, mass, and capacity relating days to weeks and months to years relating minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, and weeks to year. We offer online math private tutor program also as per the requirement of the student.
Geometry and Spatial Sense
Classifying two-dimensional shapes and three dimensional figures symmetry; paths of motion Quadrilaterals congruent shapes recognizing transformations and more.

Patterning and Algebra
Identifying, describing ,creating and extending growing and shrinking patterns; developing the concept of equality using the addition and subtraction using the commutative property and the property of zero ,a number line, and a bar graph; determining the missing numbers in equations involving addition and subtraction of one- and two-digit numbers.
Data Management and Probability
Organizing objects into categories using one, two or more attributes; collecting and organizing categorical and discrete data; reading and displaying data using ,concrete graphs, pictographs vertical and horizontal bar graphs; describing probability, understanding mode.

Grade 4-5
These are the final elementary academic years. This is utmost important that every student should have strong foundation of the basic concepts. Further classes are going to set direction for future career. These years of their age are very sensitive. They are open to learn new things and understand in a better manner, here it is must to talk to kids.
We at Allstudybuddy, offer you the best online math tutoring and initiate the path of learning by first start conversation with students. Talk about their understanding about core values, decision making, discipline and much more. It is of paramount importance to bring positivity in the attitude of a child.

Grade 6-10
We are highly trained and experienced math online tutors, who will make math completely easy for you. Score high with our complete online math study package. Our lessons cover all the topics that you find in your textbook such as Pythagorean Theorem, Multiplication, Division, Probability, Integers, BEDMAS, and more. We work with you to solve math problems with step by step explanation that will strengthen your understanding. It will further be stronger with our practice assignments.
We work with every child as per his or her pace. Our intensive math online tutoring program helps every student to understand the concepts and make you able to perform and score high in math. You will find math easy with us. We will work like a companion with you. At some point if you feel you need to learn and revise concepts again, we will refresh your knowledge.
- Numbers and Relations
- Adding and Subtracting Integers
- Operations with Decimal Numbers accordingly
- Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
- Ratios, Rates, and Proportions
- Powers and Exponents
- Volume
- Patterns and Solving Equations
- Statistics
- Tessellations
- Percents